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(relocking the pins after picking)
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Revision as of 15:36, 5 February 2011

"Traditional picking techniques disconnect the pins and leave no easy way to reconnect them, effectively making the lock non-functional. Overcoming this requires that after the plug is rotated to open the lock the key pins can be raised and rotated back to a position where they can re-engage the driver pins." That isn't entirely accurate.

If the lock is picked and it is vertically up. Just before turning it back to the neutral position if the cylinder is rapped on just enough to get the pins seated at the bottom. It will be possible to turn the plug back to the neutral position (you may have to axially set a pin if it happens to be the deepest cut).

At that point there is nothing preventing a key from entering into the lock. If it is the correct key it will turn like normal (hopefully it has the correct angled cuts on it, I figure the correct key is likely to be the next key used). While the cylinder is turning the driver pins will rotate while the plug is rotating. One by one the driver pins will find themselves in the grooves around the chamber. When the key is taken back out, they will all be interlocking again.

Now if the lock is mounted vertically down. The picker will need to rotate the pins axially on his/her own. Which shouldn't be very difficult since the pins will already be at the correct depths, and the picker that picked the lock already has a high level of skill.

How did I confirm all this? I picked one last night on camera. I didn't turn it back to the neutral position on camera, but I did this morning with the cylinder being vertically up. And then inserted the key and could hear the driver pins falling back into the grooves while turning.
